Monday, September 22, 2008

We see you!

One of the benefits of having gestational diabetes is that we are fortunate enough to get another sneak peek of Samuel before his arrival. The idea is to check the size of the baby to make sure that he's not too big (one of the side effects of a GD baby is that they can turn into little incredible hulks. The result can be shoulder injury during birth). I wasn't too worried because I've been really following the rules when it comes to my diet restrictions and my sugar numbers have stayed for the most part within the range or very close to it.

Going into the ultrasound lab today I honestly wasn't expecting much. At this point because the skeleton's bones are dense (as they should be) there is a lot of shadowing which makes it hard to see images. I was pleasantly surprised. The little guy is in position and ready to go. We saw a pretty clear face shot and profile shot. I have to say the best part was watching him yawn and stick his tongue out. He has his Daddy's tongue. Also known as the Gene Simmon's tongue. There was also the quintessential image of the thumb in mouth. Oh yes, and for the 3rd time I was notified once again that it's another boy!

Can't wait to see you Samuel!

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