Sunday, September 21, 2008

Waking up is hard to do

Last night my parents celebrated the garage sale that they had by making a really good dinner. BBQ Steak, potatoes, asparagus, and salad. My brother was in town from college visiting, so it was a full house with 8 people. Needless to say, it ended up being a late night and Mike and I made it later by watching an episode of Carrier. Joshua also stayed up past his bedtime and yesterday for him was a sugar fest. I thought it would be a good treat on a Saturday to give him a sugary cereal, so for breakfast he got to have some Cocoa Puffs. A few hours later we went over to my parents old house to help them with a garage sale. They had doughnuts there, so of course Grammy gave him a doughnut. After we finished up with the garage sale there was a small break between sugar binges. I gave him turkey pepperoni, cheese and some olives for a lunch/heavy snack. Evening set in and my sister decided she was going to make cookies. Guess who helped her clean the beaters? After dinner he was treated to gummy worms and M&M's for dessert. SHEESH!

I was hoping for sure that since he stayed up late, we would be able to sleep in. Unfortunately, I was wrong on that assumption. Around 6:00am he started tossing and turning. When we are all sleeping in the same room, it's hard to just ignore even tossing and turning. Then the smacking noise starts and his exaggerated yawning sounds coming into play. That's also when he starts picking his nose in a very noisy fashion. I thought that I might be able to ignore this. However, a few minutes earlier I got up to use the restroom (in typical pregnant lady fashion) and it gave Samuel just enough room to start doing somersaults in my belly and kicking my ribs. With distractions like this, I just decided to surrender and get up. Playhouse Disney is my best friend on mornings like this.

The crazy part is, it won't get better any time soon. I will be getting up in the middle of the night soon for more than just a potty break. I better appreciate it now!

Yesterday, we also took a trip to the Goodwill. Joshua needed jeans and even at Target, they were selling for about $20. That's almost the same price that they were selling men's jeans. I couldn't bring myself to pay that much for something that he would most likely grow out of or tear up 6 months down the road. It's not just Goodwill near my parents store but the Goodwill Superstore. Sweet! We found 3 pairs of jeans for him. The best part of going to a Goodwill in California is that we could find barely used snowsuits. In this part of California, most folks go to the snow a few times during the season (Lake Tahoe) and they are done, so I was thrilled when I found a snowsuit for Joshua. I know that we'll be going to see the snow more when we go home (Mt. Fuji here we come!). I also found him some great snow boots and Mike found a nice pair of shorts. I also found a still-in-the-package meal/eating set for the baby. Playtex brand, with Baby Einstein characters. All for the grand total of $29.00. Only $9.00 more than one pair of jeans at Target. I figure at this point in Joshua's childhood, he doesn't care about name brands. Sure, I splurge and get him shirts at Gymboree & Gap (on sale!) and I spent a small fortune on his school shoes because we found out he'll need inserts for his flat feet, but I'm still OK going to get him previously owned clothes as well. I'll worry about going into debt over the name brand crud when he gets older, but for now give me all the hand me downs I can get!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Just think of shopping @ the Goodwill as Recycling! I do! haha!
Awesome Deal!